UC Together

어떤 서비스인가요?

각종도움이 필요한 상황에서 영상통화,채팅, 화면공유 등을
제공하여 효율적으로 고객에게 도움을 주는 기능입니다


고화질의 막힘없는 영상 전송기술로
언제 어디서나 다양한 업무환경과
도움이 필요한 상황에서 손쉽고 간편하게 경험하는 솔루션을 제공 합니다.


직접 방문할 필요 없이 적은 비용과 시간만으로 영상전송 솔루션이 필요한 모든 사업분야에서 저비용 고효율로 최고의 맞춤 솔루션을 제공할 수 있습니다.


다양한 분야와 플랫폼에 최적화된 솔루션.스마트폰과 PC 테블릿 키오스크 등등 Wifi/3G/LTE 네트워크 환경이라면 언제 어디서나 편리한 사용이 가능합니다.

Powerful & Friendly
Webflow UI Template

We provide all kind of business services with quality.
Check all our services.

  • Fully Responsive Design

  • Content Management System

  • Interaction 2.0

  • Latest Design Trends

Powerful & Friendly
Webflow UI Template

We provide all kind of business services with quality.
Check all our services.

  • Fully Responsive Design

  • Content Management System

  • Interaction 2.0

  • Latest Design Trends

UC Together 서비스

We’ve done lot’s of work, let’s check some from here

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Our Team

Our talented team member will ready for your service

Philip Brower

UI Designer

Gohan Lee


Sara Doe

Web Designer

Nama Geja



Our client loves us because of our quality work

Conpress is a great platform to anyone like who want to start buisiness but not get right decision. It’s really great place for new to start the buisness in righ way!

John Doe
Marketing Menager

Conpress is a great platform to anyone like who want to start buisiness but not get right decision. It’s really great place for new to start the buisness in righ way!

John Doe
Marketing Menager

Conpress is a great platform to anyone like who want to start buisiness but not get right decision. It’s really great place for new to start the buisness in righ way!

John Doe
Marketing Menager

Conpress is a great platform to anyone like who want to start buisiness but not get right decision. It’s really great place for new to start the buisness in righ way!

John Doe
Marketing Menager

Conpress is a great platform to anyone like who want to start buisiness but not get right decision. It’s really great place for new to start the buisness in righ way!

John Doe
Marketing Menager

Conpress is a great platform to anyone like who want to start buisiness but not get right decision. It’s really great place for new to start the buisness in righ way!

John Doe
Marketing Menager

From Our Blog

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Sleepless Hours


Cups of Coffee

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